Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Dina"s

Altre domande riguardo "Dina"

Q: Dina: Hi Daniela! It is a long time we don’t see each other! I talked yesterday with my boyfriend about visiting you in Sicily.
Daniela: Of course Dina! I am happy, and I would like to help you plan this trip. Are you going to fly 1st class or economy?
Dina: I always fly economy to save some money, and I prefer to don’t carry lots of baggage with me. Last time I went through security, they asked me to empty the whole baggage, what a nightmare!
Daniela: Don’t worry, you just need one baggage; I’ve just checked the weather and it is going to be sunny and hot all the time for at least two weeks.
Dina: Great! Can you also look for a bargain, I would like to rent a house that is both near the sea and near the city so I can see the sights, but I don’t want to spend a lot.
Daniela: No worries, you can stay at my place! We can go around with a car. If you are sure about visiting Sicily, we should make a reservation at one of the best restaurants, it is always booked!
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