Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Excluding"s

Parole simili a "Excluding" e le sue differenze

Q: Qual è la differenza tra Except e Excluding e Apart from ?
A: Adding on to what the other person said. Except and excluding are similar if used as a preposition.
For example,
“I work every single day of the week except Fridays.”
“I work every single day of the week excluding Fridays.”
In this situation it’s more of a subtle nuance in terms of what is more natural or common in colloquial(casual) conversation. Except is also except for.
“I work every single day of the week except for Fridays.”
You can use both except and except for general statements that include generalizing words. Generalizing words include “every, all, everyone, nobody, whole”.
So in my example I used the word “every”, so you can use except and except for. But in sentences that do not use those generalizing words you can only use except for.
I like all fruits except oranges.
I like all fruits except for oranges.

I like fruits except for oranges. (This sentence works)
I like fruits except oranges. (This does not work.)

Apart from is a phrase that comes from the adverb “apart”. Apart by itself is an adverb. Apart from is a phrase that can be used as a preposition similar to the preposition usages of except and excluding.

Apart from is a combination of beside and except. That means apart from can mean include OR exclude.

“I work every single day of the week, apart from Fridays.” In this sentence I am excluding Friday.
“Apart from Mondays, I also work on Tuesday.” In this sentence I am including Monday.

Like I said they are all similar, it just depends on how common or natural it is to use in a specific sentence.
Hope this helps.

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