Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Hyundai"s

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Q: Hyundai engineering and construction started as Hyundai Civil Works, founded by the late honorary president Chung Ju-Yung in 1947 and it became the one of the largest company in Korea. . The company has played an important role in spurring economic development and building infrastructure in Korea ranging from building bridges across the Han river as a post-war reconstruction program to a recent plant project with high-added value. Reaching out to the comprehensive areas in the construction sector, it has constructed representative roads, dams, bridges, houses and plants of the nation. It was a Korea’s first construction company that advanced overseas, Pattani Narathiwat highway project in Thailand. Later, the company has also advanced into 50 overseas markets and implemented about 750 overseas constructions, which implies that its capabilities have been recognized by many parts of the world. sembra naturale?

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