Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Marriott"s

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Q: I stayed at Marriott hotel in Charlotte. It was football season, so all television at restaurants was showing football channel. I usually don’t ask room keeping service, so I hang the “Don’t disturb” sign on the door. But this time, that was not saying “Don’t disturb”. It said “This room is Game Ready”. It means that I am watching Game and don’t want anybody to disturb. I thought that was funny. Even though I was not going to watch the game, it doesn’t matter. I always find this kind of humor everywhere. In Japan, public space is too serious compared with the US. At register in supermarket or coffee shop, I saw “Say aah and insert your chip here” to guide customers to retry their credit cards with chip. Well put! I always say aah when I failed to pay with my credit card swiping. I wonder why American people can come up with unique ideas. sembra naturale?

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