Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Muslim"s

Altre domande riguardo "Muslim"

Q: Hello, Muslim!

Do you have any questions, or are you curious about anything in Japan?

Also, do you know where some Muslim friendly restaurants, prayer spaces and sightseeing spots are?

"All About Japanese Life for Muslim" is a service you can ask anything about your Japanese life for free!

The venue is 3te' Cafe' restaurant on every Friday Oct. 2018.

There is no need for Muslima to be anxious because there are a Muslima staff of the 3te' Cafe' and a woman staff of the KAN-MUS.


"Where are some Muslim friendly restaurants and prayer spaces?"

"What kinds of Bento, sweets in Convenience Stores can I eat?"

And more,

"Why do Japanese celebrate New Year and X'mas?"

"Why do Japanese say Suimasen everywhere, everytime?"

So, more,

"What shall I speak to Japanese school mates or co-workers?"

"I want to consult my Visa, place of employment."

You can ask everyone!
(but there is a possibility that a fee will arise in regars to consultation with specialists.)

Please feel free to come! sembra naturale?

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