Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Silvia"s

Altre domande riguardo "Silvia"

Q: Silvia: Michael, Takashi, Good morning. Sorry for keeping you waiting. My previous online meeting was drawn out.
Michael: Please do not draw this meeting out.
Silvia: Don’t worry. I will take my sweet time at this meeting. I can hear some noise. Can you mute yourself for now?
Takashi: Sorry, I thought I was muting myself.
Silvia: Don’t need to apologize, Takashi. Let’s get started as Michael looks in a hurry.
Well, we have three items today. First, the housing market in the US. Next, I’d like to confirm the latest status of contracts and inventory. And finally, updates on the land acquisition of the Redmond’s built for sell housing.
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