Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Styrofoam"s

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Q: Styrofoam on every VFANSRP model’s power cable, imported in 2017/2020.
We have suggested to adjust the foam of the material and cover with plastic when it happened for the first time in 2017. However, the same situation still occurred earlier this year. (See Attachment 1 and 2)

735 model knob damage imported in 2018.
We have supplied 783 model to Costco for many years, Diagram 1 shows that our sales have been declining due to many competitive brands and repeating style over the time. Under this circumstance, Costco decided to have 735 model as their first choice. Due to the overall 735 knob issue of our current stock, the team chose to give up this amazing opportunity as we were aware of the return and complaints from the customers. Next year, Costco estimated around 2,000 pieces (approx. 350,000 USD) for the sale. This uncertainty of quality issue has postponed our plans.
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