Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Toastmasters"s

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Q: I got to know Toastmasters International because an English teacher, Joanne Chen, who was a member of Happy Life Toastmasters Club in Keelung, introduced it to me. I still remember the first time when I joined Happy Life Toastmasters Club meetings. I were greeted warmly by the club officers and members. Members were friendly and had a big smile on their faces. Once the meeting had started, I found the entire meeting was conducted in English and most members have a good command in English. After the meeting I had a small talk with club officers and then they invited me to join Happy Life Toastmasters Club. I hesitated about joining Toastmasters. I was afraid that people would laugh at me because of my poor English.
Eventually I decided to join Happy Life TM club because I was eager to improve my English. sembra naturale?
A: × I got to know Toastmasters International because an English teacher, Joanne Chen, who was a member of Happy Life Toastmasters Club in Keelung, introduced it to me. I still remember the first time when I joined Happy Life Toastmasters Club meetings.
✓ I got to know Toastmasters International because an English teacher, Joanne Chen, who was a member of the Happy Life Toastmasters Club in Keelung, introduced it to me. I still remember the first time I a joined Happy Life Toastmasters Club meeting.

× I were greeted warmly by the club officers and members.
✓ I was greeted warmly by the club officers and members.

× Members were friendly and had a big smile on their faces.
✓ Members were friendly and had big smiles on their faces.

× Once the meeting had started, I found the entire meeting was conducted in English and most members have a good command in English.
✓ Once the meeting started, I found the entire meeting was conducted in English and most members had a good command in English.

× After the meeting I had a small talk with club officers and then they invited me to join Happy Life Toastmasters Club.
✓ After the meeting I had a small talk with the club officers and then they invited me to join the Happy Life Toastmasters Club.

× Eventually I decided to join Happy Life TM club because I was eager to improve my English.
✓ Eventually I decided to join the Happy Life TM club because I was eager to improve my English.

Overall, almost perfect. Just a few small issues with tense.

As an aside, I am also a Toastmasters member, and when I travel abroad I always try to visit local clubs, because it is a great way to meet new people. When I lived in Japan for a year, I joined a club there as well, and they were kind enough to let me make some speeches in Japanese to help with my Japanese language study. I think that kind of format can really help improve your speaking.

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