Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Watson"s

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Q: Dear Mr. Watson,
My name is Andrew Krasovski, and I'm taking an four- week intensive English course. The tuition is paid by my employer and I'm studying during my annual leave. It's expected I'll be able to pass English Proficiency Test after as a result, and be transferred to work for my company abroad. Therefore, it's important to me to be able to study in a suitable environment.
I'm staying in Red Hostel on campus and this place has one serious problem. There is a problem with electricity. It's off several times a day and I can't work with a computer and study in the evenings. Because I was placed in Red Hostel by course organizers I ask you whether provide me another place for living or solve the problem in the shortest possible time. In other case I will have to demand a part of paid money back to rent another hotel room. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Krasovski sembra naturale?

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