Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Antenna"s

Altre domande riguardo "Antenna"

Q: DAY57:You can see it as antennae.

I'm trying to caption this photo, like something out of "CaptionThis!"
It's just for fun!
My goal is to describe the situation below in detail, sharing my thoughts and feelings after viewing the picture.

The snow sticks over 10cm since the day before, I suppose.
The wipers are lifted not to be buried in snow.

I sometimes regret to forget doing that in the morning when I opened the curtain and find it snowing a lot outside.
I should have watched the forecast the night before.

Someone drew a face on the food/bonnet and liked the wipers to eyebrow.
The eyebrows go upward so it expresses the anger.
There are many thin icecles on below. sembra naturale?

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