Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Chronicler"s

Altre domande riguardo "Chronicler"

Q: A chronicler of the time, Lambert of Hersfeld, describes how he and his little band of followers struggled over the ice-covered Alps:
The men in the party did their very best to overcome this dangerous situation, now scrambling on their hands and feet, now leaning on the shoulders of their guides, sometimes slipping on the treacherous surface, falling over and rolling some way … The guides sat the queen and the ladies of her household on oxhides, led the way themselves and dragged them down behind them. They placed some of the horses on sleds, and led others with their feet hobbled, but many of these died as they were being dragged, and most of the others were in a very bad state...

I'm trying to understand the underlined sentence. if they[guides] led the way then how could they drag them down behind them?
Does this mean that the guides led way and let the queen and the ladies of her household on the oxhides slide down (probably from a higher place)?

Thanks for your help in advance.

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