Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Circumstance"s

Il significato di "Circumstance" In varie frasi ed espressioni.

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Altre domande riguardo "Circumstance"

Q: On what circumstance do you use 'BE TO DO SOMETHING'? It seems to have a modal meaning. Like 'will', 'ought to', 'should', 'must' and so force. But how do you acknowledge which it exactly refers to?
A: It has a few modal meanings, but it is quite old-fashioned and very formal.

It's sometimes similar to "supposed to" or "meant to". It can be used to tell people what to do or to talk about something that has been arranged. For example:

"You are to stay here until I get back" ➡ "I am telling you to stay here until I get back"
"The party is to go ahead on Sunday" ➡ "The party has been arranged to go ahead [take place] on Sunday"
"She was to help him with whatever he needed help with" ➡ "She was meant to/supposed to help him with whatever he needed help with"

It can also be used to talk about what should be done, what would be ideal or a good idea, etc. For example:

"What am I to do with all this food?" ➡ "What should I do with all this food?"
"You are to be rewarded if you do well" ➡ "You should be rewarded if you do well (and we intend to reward you)"

We can use it to talk about things that are going to happen, for example:

"The girl who was to marry him" ➡ "The girl who would marry him in the future"
"She is to receive the grand prize" ➡ "She is going to receive the grand prize"
"What is to become of them?" ➡ "What is going to become of [happen to] them?"

Finally, you can use it to talk about what must happen in order for something else to happen, like a conditional. For example:

"If we are to win this competition, we have to work harder" ➡ "For us to win this competition, we have to work harder"
"They must be taller if they are to play basketball professionally" ➡ "They must be taller in order for them to be able to play basketball professionally"
Q: The circumstance of religion in japan is different from any other countries. Generally, one country has national religion and the most of the citizens of the country belong to that religion. But japan do not have that kind of reglions at the moment. Instead you can see the fusion of religion in this country. There are many events regarding various religions, such as Hallowwin christmas barentain obon、oomisoka setubun juugoya sitigosan etc.
You can say that it looks like sukiyaki of religion. Many people pay thier first visit to both shrine and temple .one recent study showed that one in three people could not explain the difference between sintoism and buddism. Most of the japanese people equate sintoism with buddism.However such circumstance has been seen since the nara period. At that time, they mixed up sintoism and buddism. That was said the syncretistic fusion of Shintoism and Buddhism, You can see zinnguzi :a temple which is located in shrine. or sinnzenndokyou:monk read sutra in front of shrine .So histrically speaking, it is not unnatural to see that kinds of phenomenonin japan. But recently such phenomenon has been expanding. Many of the japanese people enjoy a Christian religious celebration named Easter in one amusement park But most of them do not know the drivation of the event. The friend of mine did not know that Ester is a religious event ,which made me surprised.
It may sometimes rude not to know the event adequately when you join such religios events and without knowing the background or derivation of the event, you may not truely enjoy the event .
sembra naturale?
A: The circumstance of religion in Japan is different from any other countries. Generally, one country has national religion and the most of the citizens of the country belong to that religion. But Japan does not have that kind of religion at the moment. Instead, you can see the fusion of religion in this country. There are many events regarding various religions, such as Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Obon, Omisoka, Setsubun, Juugoya, Shichi-Go-San, etc.
You can say that it looks like sukiyaki of religion. Many people pay a visit to both shrines and temples. One recent study showed that one in three people could not explain the difference between Shintoism and Buddhism. Most of the Japanese people equate Shintoism with Buddhism. However, such a circumstance has been seen since the Nara period. At that time, they mixed up Shintoism and Buddhism. That was said the syncretistic fusion of Shintoism and Buddhism, You can see zinnguzi: a temple which is located in shrine. or sinnzenndokyou: monk read sutra in front of shrine. So historically speaking, it is not unnatural to see that kind of phenomenon in japan. But recently, such phenomenon has been expanding. Many of the Japanese people enjoy a Christian religious celebration named Easter in one amusement park, but most of them do not know the derivation of the event. A friend of mine did not know that Easter is a religious event, which made me surprised.
It may sometimes be rude not to know the event adequately when you join such religious events. Without knowing the background or derivation of the event, you may not truely enjoy the event.

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