Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Citibank"s

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Q: Citibank is one of the largest investment banks in the world, has the same level as Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bear Stearns and also influences the world economy. If American investment banks sneeze, everyone has pneumonia. The financial crisis of 2008 is a good example.

Citibank is the consumer division of the multinational financial services company Citigroup, was founded in 1812 with the name of City Bank of New York, then CHANGED NAME AND became First National City Bank of New York1.
Citibank is a global bank with many branches in 36 countries. It also has its Asian headquarters in China trade, IN the Changyang-Beijing district. This bank provides various businesses, such as investment portfolios, insurance, funds, stock market transactions, bonds, etc. Online services are among the most successful in the market, with about 15 million users. Through its income statement, IT CAN BE PREVENTED THAT although it lost a lot of economic performance in 2008, with the subsequent recovery and development, it already has more benefit than before. Citibank has a famous investment philosophy, it is to maintain a highly diversified portfolio and a long-term orientation, which caused its great commercial success and IT WHICH PERSISTS. Now citibank is in the expansionary phase of the market, it has THE TREND up very clear and adopted A new strategy that strengthens the technological innovation. You already have more followers, therefore, your Statement of Profit and Loss will be exceptionally good in THE coming years if IT IS THAT YOUR clients have long-term vision does this sound natural? sembra naturale?

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