Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Decade"s

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Q: Could you please correct my English?

Looking back may past decade, the time escaped me by so fast, it's because due to live in idleness aimlessly.
I haven't had fulfilling days, that's why I feel the time flies fast, where next to empty days.
At first glance, it looks like the days are meaningless.
Even though, I want to believe that all my experience will be mu food in the future.
For that, I think I need to do my best from now on.
I've been missed many my turning point, and now I stand on another turning point, so I don't want to miss it this time.
Otherwise, my future life could be more worse, for real.
This is my next to final chance, maybe.
I need to change myself right now.
When I could it, bright future will be waiting surely for me.
My dream is to live in overseas and live peaceful lifestyle without stress as can as possible.

Thank you.

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