Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Diminution"s

Il significato di "Diminution" In varie frasi ed espressioni.

Q: Che cosa significa diminution ?
A: diminution = the ACT of diminishing

To understand it, let's use examples with the word "diminish", and look at how the use of the term relates to WHEN it happens...

1: The pandemic will *diminish* the city's hospital resources.
Simple Future Tense (before it happens)

2: The pandemic is *diminishing* the city's hospital resources.
Present Continuous Tense (it continues to happen)

3: The pandemic has *diminished* the city's hospital resources.
Past Tense (after it has happened)

Three uses of "diminish", but each one is used depending on when something is happening. We go from future, to present, to past tense.

Okay, now that we've covered those examples, "diminution" is basically the ACT of going through those three 'diminish' steps. It's the process, or progression, of something being diminished. Let me use an analogy...

Will ride the roller coaster (future tense)
Riding the roller coaster (present tense)
Finished riding the roller coaster (past tense)

"Went on a roller coaster ride" -- that phrase describes the ACT of doing the three things above. It's the process of getting on, riding it, and then getting off.

Put another way, "diminution" describes the PROCESS of diminishing. It's not speaking to any one step in the process, but to the entire act. I'll use my first example and use "diminution" this time...

--The diminution of the city's hospital resources shows a need for increased funding.

So it's not about before/during/after, it's about the overall action. Does this help? 🙂

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