Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Distinguish"s

Frasi esempio "Distinguish"

Parole simili a "Distinguish" e le sue differenze

Q: Qual è la differenza tra distinguish e classify e differentiate ?
A: 1) Differentiate
- to describe the differences between two objects.
- when this word is used, what is important are the differences between the objects.
Example 1:
Q: Differentiate between a basketball and a soccer ball.
A: A basketball is orange, while a soccer ball is black and white.

Example 2:
People with red-green color blindness cannot differentiate between red and green.

In example 1: what's important are the differences between the two balls.
In example 2: what's important is how the two colors look the same to a color blind person.

2) Distinguish
- to separate things based on their differences. Unlike "differentiate," what's more important here are the objects being compared.
- distinguish is also used to highlight a special quality of something.

Example 3:
The exam distinguishes basic learners from advanced learners.

Example 4:
I have trouble distinguishing between the kanji 持 and 特.

In example 3: what's important is how different learners are separated because of their differences. The sentence does not say anything about the differences between basic and advanced learners.

In example 4: what's important is how 持 and 特 look similar to me, and how I can sometimes mistake one from the other. The sentence does not say anything about the actual differences between the two kanji.

(Note: sometimes, distinguish and differentiate can both be used: "People with red-green color blindness cannot distinguish between red and green." is also common.)

3) Classify
- to group things based on their differences
- what's important is the grouping, not the objects in the group.

Example 5: I classified the colors as either dark or light.
Example 6: One way to classify kanji is by their number of strokes.
Example 7: We use the entrance exam to classify applicants into English classes with different levels.

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