Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Kinmen"s

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Q: Kinmen, where we live, is an island which is surrounded by sea, has a special geographical location, and lacks water. Here, rainfall and air temperature will change by season. Overall, the precipitation here is basically low throughout every year.
Because of the dramatic climate change, Kinmen also attracts some certain kinds of birds to come to reproduce or to get through winter.
In Kinmen, you can see a variety of ecology.

Our school, KMSH (Kinmen Senior High School) is located west of Kinmen Island, longitude and latitude is about (120°,24°). Compared to Taiwan, the cold & hot days here are easier to distinguish. Summer is hotter and wetter while winter is colder and drier here.
sembra naturale?
A: × Kinmen, where we live, is an island which is surrounded by sea, has a special geographical location, and lacks water.
Kinmen, where I* live, is an island surrounded by sea, has a special geographical location, and lacks water.

× Here, rainfall and air temperature will change by season.
✓ Here, rainfall and air temperature changes by season but (connect to next sentence)

× Overall, the precipitation here is basically low throughout every year.
✓ (connect to previous sentence) overall, the precipitation here is low throughout the year.

× Because of the dramatic climate change, Kinmen also attracts some certain kinds of birds to come to reproduce or to get through winter.
✓ **As a result of dramatic changes in the environment due to climate change, Kinmen attracts certain kinds of birds to come to reproduce or to get through the winter.

× Our school, KMSH (Kinmen Senior High School) is located west of Kinmen Island, longitude and latitude is about (120°,24°).
✓ Our school, KMSH (Kinmen Senior High School) is located west of Kinmen Island with a longitude and latitude of about (120°, 24°).

× Compared to Taiwan, the cold & hot days here are easier to distinguish.
✓ Compared to Taiwan, the cold and hot days here are easier to distinguish with (connect to next)

× Summer is hotter and wetter while winter is colder and drier here.
✓ (connect to previous) hotter and wetter summers and colder and drier winters.

*if this is NOT a group work, use “I”
**for a report, I think this is a little abrupt, it doesn’t flow nicely from the previous sentence (try to make a sentence that links the two ideas together)

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