Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Marie"s

Altre domande riguardo "Marie"

Q: マリーはいつも元気な様子なので私は嬉しいです。私が心配しているのはメンタルの方です。妊娠中はホルモンのせいで落ち込んだり悲しくなったりすることがあるから。それは自分の意思とは関係なく。

Marie always seems to be in good spirits, which makes me happy. My concern is with your mental health. Because during pregnancy, hormones can make me feel depressed and sad. Even if it is against my will.
It's sometimes hard to be alone with 3 kids and no babysitter. Of course I think my current environment is great, with parks nearby, friends close by! Nothing is ever too much! But if you ever get lonely or sad, you can always call me. sembra naturale?

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