Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Mentor"s

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Q: I think that I’m not cut out to be a mentor. My friends tell me that I’m a good listener and I feel the same, but I can not always give a good advice. I don’t have a lot of experience about a lot of thing and I don’t want to mislead other people and harm them instead of helping them. However I want others to succeed and I’m so joyful when my friends achieve their goals. And when I can help them and can do something for them, I do it. When they’re happy, I’m happy too.

I did also a quiz and I have 23 points and that means, that mentoring may be a good fit for me. And I agree with this description. I have a few traits that mentors need, but I also have not enough skills in managing people or work out with other people problems. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t have a chance to be a good mentor.
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