Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Moonglish"s

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Q: 유튜브에 영어 암기하는 영상 올리고 있어요! (moonglish)
기본 문법 등은 Check를 했는데 한 번 읽어 보시고 이상한 부분 있으면 알려주시면 감사합니다.

I like to watch movies. (I like watching movies)
I especially like the Marvel series. Do you know the Marvel series?
I think it's fun because it is about the future.
So I like the SF series and the Action series, too.
My favorite actor is Amy Adams.
She looks so pretty when she smiles brightly.

I've thought about my hobby before, but I honestly don't know what my hobby is.
But if there is, I think studying a language is my hobby because I like learning a language.
And I hope my English ability will improve a lot.

Among sports, I used to like basketball when I was younger.
And I played basketball with my friends often. But there were not many basketball hoops,
so we played basketball in high school, which is 20 minutes' walk away.
I also like baseball and soccer, but I enjoy watching them without actually doing it.
I wish I had some hobbies, but I don’t know what to do.
That's why I am jealous of the people at the tennis club in the company.
sembra naturale?
Q: 유튜브에 영어 암기하는 영상 올리고 있어요! (moonglish)
기본 문법 등은 Check를 했는데 한 번 읽어 보시고 이상한 부분 있으면 알려주시면 감사합니다.

I usually get up at 7 in the morning. I always sleep a lot.
I go to the bathroom right after I wake up and brush my teeth and take a shower.
Dry my hair with a towel and dry it with a dryer.
I dress up and down and turn off all the lights in the house and go to work.

After work, I come home and have dinner.
Sometimes I eat dinner at work and sometimes I eat out outside.
After dinner, I study English or watch movies until late at night.
Before going to bed, I take a shower and change into pajamas.

I always dream when I sleep.
I think I have always dreamed of since I was young.
That's why sometimes I think I have a lot of imagination.

These days, I often can't sleep well because I look at my cell phone until late at night.
So when I wake up in the morning, I feel tired. (all over.)
I think it's a bad habit, so I should reduce the time I spend looking at my cell phone until late at night.

I live alone in the dormitory.
It's been quite a while since I lived alone.
Maybe that's why I don't feel lonely very well.
What I have said so far is my daily routine. sembra naturale?

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