Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Profound"s

Parole simili a "Profound" e le sue differenze

Q: Qual è la differenza tra profound e deep ?
A: This article goes into a lot of this similarities and some of the differences.,to%20cause%20to%20sink%20deeply.

Basically, they are interchangeable in lots of ways, but there are a few cases where it is better to use one or the other.

For example when talking about a distance it is usually better to use deep.

"As kids we used to dive deep down into the lake to see what we could find."
"Don't hike to deep into those woods because you could get lost."
"How deep do I need to drill this hole?"

Also it is better to use deep when talking about the range of sound an instrument or person has.

"She has a deep voice."

Then there are phrases that use the word deep
"to throw someone into the deep end" Means to give them a task that might be too hard for them usually as a way to see how good they are.
"When I started at the law firm they had me meet with one of their biggest clients. Talk about throwing me into the deep end."
"Let's throw her into the deep end and see if she can swim," my boss told me. "Tell the new girl that she is in charge of the new ad campaign."

These links will also show you a lot of phrases that use the words deep and profound and their translation into spanish. Just scroll past the translations to the section that says examples. If you click the [...] you will see even more phrases.

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