Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Remonstrate"s

Parole simili a "Remonstrate" e le sue differenze

Q: Qual è la differenza tra remonstrate e rebuke e reprimand e scold e reproach ?

Remonstrate, often phrased as “remonstrate with”, means to present reasons to oppose an argument, and urges such reasons as well.

Try as I might to remonstrate with those unenlightened apologists, they just reply with, “Respect my opinion!” and turn a blind eye to the politician’s family’s horrible deeds.
The defense attorney remonstrated with the prosecution to extend the investigation further; the latter unusually agreed for one.

Rebuke = Reprimand
Both can be used as a noun and a verb, and both mean to reprove or to scold from a higher position or authority.
I guess the difference here is that the former has one syllable less than the latter. Personally, I use reprimand more often.

The manager was forced to reprimand/rebuke her subordinates for continued display of mutiny.
While the platoon leader reviewed her troops, she delivered a curt reprimand/rebuke to one of the troop members.

Scold is a verb which has a looser or more general use when it comes to censuring or reprimanding, and it can be more used in less formal contexts than all the other four censure-related vocabulary.

His mother scolded her son for misbehaving.
The nerve of that child scolding her own caretaker, disrespectful!

Reproach can be both used as a verb or noun, but it tends to be used as a noun. As a verb, it means to show your disapproval or displeasure to something that needs to be corrected. As a noun, it means an expression, act, or occassion of rebuke, reproach, or disgrace.

He talked to her in a tone of reproach, but she remonstrate with him further regarding a certain issue.
I wouldn’t dare reproach my own superior; it’s tantamount to mutiny in her eyes!

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