Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Significance"s

Il significato di "Significance" In varie frasi ed espressioni.

Altre domande riguardo "Significance"

Q: The significance of learning a foreign language is getting increased these days. But I think the reason of becoming bilingual is but to build knowledge of other countries’ cultures and broaden people’s view, not just to have a purpose for travel or work.
In recent days, various types of companies have been pursuing global business. They’d like to recruit multilingual employees. That’s because multilingual people can communicate with multiple communities. That also means they have a critical asset and a wide range of selection for employment. In addition, knowing other languages not mother tongue can let us pursue a variety of choices for travel. If we’re going to travel to some country that we don’t know that country’s language, we would feel fear for the travel, even if we can speak in English. But if you know that, you might sweep everything before one.

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