Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Sleptover"s

Altre domande riguardo "Sleptover"

Q: I sleptover with my cousin. It was really fun, but when we had dinner, the foods were very salty😔 So, It takes a lot of time to ate all. After that, we were chatting till around 3 am, and then we fell asleep. When we woke up, we were so tired. Because we couldn't sleep well last night, we only slept 3,4 hours😂
sembra naturale?
A: × I sleptover with my cousin.
✓ I slept over at my cousin's (house).

× It was really fun, but when we had dinner, the foods were very salty😔 So, It takes a lot of time to ate all.
✓ It was really fun, but when we had dinner, the food was very salty😔 So, It took a lot of time to eat all of it.

× After that, we were chatting till around 3 am, and then we fell asleep.
✓ After that, we were chatting 'till around 3 am, and then we fell asleep.

× When we woke up, we were so tired.
✓ When we woke up, we were so tired,

× Because we couldn't sleep well last night, we only slept 3,4 hours😂
✓ because we couldn't sleep well last night, we only slept 3-4 hours😂

First sentence- You can use slept over - which is a verb OR you can say "I had a sleepover with my cousin" which sleepover is a noun. If you use the first choice with the verb, you have you use cousin's (with apostrophe + s to show possesion as in who's house it is). The word house isn't necessary. I put it brackets to make it more understandable why it's cousin's instead of cousin

Second sentence- Food is an uncountable noun so there is no plural form of it. There is only singular which means "were" will turn into "was". Since this happened in the past take will be took.

3rd sentence- If you want to be grammatically correct you can write " 'till " with an apostrophe, but a lot of english speakers do not use apostrophes while talking informally, whether it's a person of your age, a close friend. It is up to you if you want to use apostrophe or not.

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