Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Urine"s

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Q: Your urine test reveals that you have haematuria. In other words, there's blood in your urine. Although there are many conditions that can cause flank pain and haematuria, ureter stone is the most frequent cause. You need to take a nonenhanced CT scan of your abdomen. The primary purpose is to see whether there really is a stone or not. And through the scan, we can also get information about the size and the location of the stone if there really is a stone. Those information are essential for the choice of the treatment. If the size of the stone is smaller than 5 milimeters in diameter and is located in the lower portion of ureter, the stone could naturally be removed from your urinary system with 95% probability. So in this case, we can wait for some time. But if it is larger than 5 milimeters in diameter or is located in the upper portion of your ureter, you might need some measure. sembra naturale?

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