Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Vlog"s

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Q: I like watching vlog on youtube. I also like watching livestreaming on youtube and other stuff.

For example, it’s interesting to eat while introducing delicious foods and to see things that share wonderful ideas.

It's very exciting to feel that the live streamer and many viewers are sharing the same time.

The good thing about livestreaming is that I feel like I'm spending this time in a realistic and rough way, rather than editing or deliberately creating it perfectly.

I prefer the feeling of sharing time with friends because I can relax.

It feels a bit like going to a live music club to listen music. And then I can see it at home, at a cafe and even during waiting time, which will make you feel better.

When I look at it at home, it's good to be able to see it while cooking, doing household chores, stretching, and lying down.

It has been a nice change of pace for me.

sembra naturale?
A: × I like watching vlog on youtube.
✓ I like watching vlogs on youtube.

× I also like watching livestreaming on youtube and other stuff.
✓ I also like watching livestreams on youtube and other stuff.

× For example, it’s interesting to eat while introducing delicious foods and to see things that share wonderful ideas.
✓ For example, it’s interesting to (see people?) eat while introducing delicious foods and to see things that share wonderful ideas.

× It feels a bit like going to a live music club to listen music.
✓ It feels a bit like going to a live music club to listen to music.

× And then I can see it at home, at a cafe and even during waiting time, which will make you feel better.
✓ And then I can watch it at home, at a cafe and even during waiting time, which will make me feel better.

× When I look at it at home, it's good to be able to see it while cooking, doing household chores, stretching, and lying down.
✓ When I watch it at home, it's nice to be able to watch it while cooking, doing household chores, stretching, and lying down.

"The good thing about livestreaming is that I feel like I'm spending this time in a realistic and rough way, rather than editing or deliberately creating it perfectly."
-> This sounds like you are the one livestreaming. If you're not, then:
"The good thing about livestreams is that I feel like I'm spending this time in a realistic and rough way, rather than someone having edited or deliberately created it perfectly."

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