Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Wilderness"s

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Q: I disagree that it is enough being done to protect the world’s wilderness areas. Most would agree that they are making effort to protect the environment such as SDGs. However, it is fact that many species are going to extinct, an increase in world population causes problems, and there is a conflict between protecting the environment and developing the economy.
Firstly, it is estimated that between two hundred and two thousand animal species become extinct every year. There is no denying that humans are largely responsible for this. Unless we act now to protect the wilderness areas, many species will continue to disappear.
Secondly, the human population is currently growing at an unsustainable rate. The world population is expected to be around 10 billion by 2050. We will continue to frighten the environment to keep our life convenient, such as deforestation or pollution. This is especially frightening for the wilderness areas.
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