Domande riguardo a frasi esempio con, spiegazione d'utilizzo di "Winged"s

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Q: Winged Scapula

Winged scapula is a condition that your scapula (shoulder blades) locate abnormal position when you raise your arms. Scapular winging occurs when a shoulder blade sticks out and looks like wing. This condition usually painful and makes ordinary activities, such as lifting grocery bags or brushing your teeth, difficult.
This condition is caused by paralysis of the muscle called serratus anterior, which controls the movement of scapula. There are some causes of paralysis of serratus anterior but most common cause is damage in the long thoracic nerve. This nerve will be damaged by stretch (sports like tennis and golf or using your arms to prop your head up while lying down) or pressure (heavy backpack). Also, some kinds of virus, drugs or surgery can damage the long thoracic nerve. Other causes of winged scapula are paralysis of trapezius or muscular dystrophy. sembra naturale?

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