Aggiornato il
21 feb 2019

  • Spagnolo (Spagna)
  • Giapponese
  • Coreano
  • Cinese semplificato (Mandarino)
Domande Giapponese

Could you help me by translating this? I want to know if I did it well.

This kanji [ ] reminds me of my boyfriend. Since I started to learn kanjis, he has always help me by telling me funny things to remember them, even though he doesn't know Japanese. [ ] was one of the first kanjis we learnt together, and whenever I feel that I can't remember all the kanjis, he says: "what? You know [ ], that is a lot already!" Now, when I see this kanji, I think of him, and that I am able to do anything if I work hard enough.

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  • Giapponese
[Novità] Ehi tu! Dico a te che stai imparando una lingua!

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Could you help me by translating this? I want to know if I did it well. 

This kanji [ ] reminds me of my boyfriend. Since I started to learn kanjis, he has always help me by telling me funny things to remember them, even though he doesn't know Japanese. [ ] was one of the first kanjis we learnt together, and whenever I feel that I can't remember all the kanjis, he says: "what? You know [ ], that is a lot already!" Now, when I see this kanji, I think of him, and that I am able to do anything if I work hard enough.
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