Aggiornato il
5 mar 2020

  • Giapponese
  • Inglese (Stati Uniti)
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Domande Inglese (Stati Uniti)

Lastly, the narratives display the theme of alienation as perversion. Living in an alienated world reduces better judgment. In Minnie’s situation, Minnie is extraordinarily calm even though she confronts the loss of her husband. Glaspell claims, “A person gets discouraged--and loses heart” (Glaspell). She has a closed mind and is in insanity because of her life in an isolated world. sembra naturale?

A part of my essay. I have to maintain the present tense. Using MLA citation.

My evidence is effective enough for my topic sentence?? And if there are errors, please indicate them and give me corrections.
Thank you in advance.
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  • Giapponese
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