Aggiornato il
28 lug 2020

  • Spagnolo (Spagna)
  • Inglese (Stati Uniti)
  • Cinese semplificato (Mandarino)
Domanda chiusa
Domande Inglese (Stati Uniti)

Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? 3.- The government did this, because some local villages not all, They armed themselves with weapons and expelled local companies such as local construction companies and Walmart.

3.- El gobierno hizo esto, porque algunas aldeas locales no todas, se armaron con armas y expulsaron a compañías locales como las constructoras locales y Walmart. Al hacer esto, el conflicto comenzó a detenerse y han sido una comunidad pacífica durante más de 15 años.

3.- The government did this, because some local villages not all, They armed themselves with weapons and expelled local companies such as local construction companies and Walmart.
By doing this, the conflict started to stop and they have been a peaceful community for more than 15 years.
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Come si dice in Inglese (Stati Uniti)? 3.- The government did this, because some local villages not all, They armed themselves with weapons and expelled local companies such as local construction companies and Walmart.
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