Aggiornato il
26 gen 2021

  • Giapponese
  • Inglese (Stati Uniti)
  • Coreano
  • Cinese semplificato (Mandarino)
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Domande Inglese (Stati Uniti)

There are so many unspoken rules in Japan. Most of them are only known by people who grown up in Japan, because we don't really share them with others. For instance, you shouldn't eat before elderly people, or shouldn't leave any foods, even a grain of rice. You shouldn't make any eye contact with stranger in public place, should try to wear clothes that don't show your figure, and if there is a line of people, never cut in line. Waiting for something in line is very important for most of Japanese people. I still remember long lines formed outside small convenience stores at a small town after tsunami and earth quick hit them for a couple years ago. You might think Japanese people are polite even in a calamity, maybe they are. But also being in line is one of our unspoken rules which we have to keep in any circumstances. sembra naturale?

Please change any words, phrases or sentences. I'd like to learn new ways of describing things in English. Thank you for reading such a long one.
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  • Inglese (Stati Uniti)
[Novità] Ehi tu! Dico a te che stai imparando una lingua!

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