Aggiornato il
19 feb 2021

  • Turco
  • Inglese (Stati Uniti)
  • Tedesco
  • Inglese (Regno Unito)
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Domande Spagnolo (Spagna)

Ir + a + Verb is “going to ...”
If we conjugate any verb and add A + V
Is that going to be also “going to ... “
For example :
Empezamos a hacer la tarea ahora
Is that sentence :
• We are going to start doing homework now.
• We are starting to do the homework now.
Which one is true?

If we want to say “We are going to start doing homework now” would it be ;
Vamos a empezar hacer la tarea ??

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  • Spagnolo (Spagna)
  • Catalano
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Ir + a + Verb is “going to ...” 
If we conjugate any verb and add A + V
Is that going to be also “going to ... “
For example : 
Empezamos a hacer la tarea ahora
Is that sentence :
• We are going to start doing homework now. 
• We are starting to do the homework now. 
Which one is true? 

If we want to say “We are going to start doing homework now” would it be ; 
Vamos a empezar hacer la tarea ??
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