Aggiornato il
31 lug 2021

  • Giapponese
  • Inglese (Regno Unito)
  • Portoghese (Brasile)
  • Portoghese (Portogallo)
Domande Inglese (Stati Uniti)

Could you correct this?

I'm sure you noticed when Hans moves.
Hans is an archer who can "move again".
Normally,if you would be able to move 4 steps,
You attack an enemy 3 steps up ahead,
you can't move the ramaning one step.
That's the end of your turn.

But you have someone capable of moving 4 steps,
he(she) move 3 steps to move
and attack...
He(she) can move the remaining one step.

Hans is capable of moving out of the way of a blow.
He can move closer to the enemy, attack, and then
move away again to escape.

■Move again

Basically a skill for cavalrymen.
But some of the lighter solidier, such as Hans, can
also do it.

The cavalry can move up to 7 steps, after moving 5
steps and attacking, they can use the remaining 2
squares to move again.

Such abilities are called "skills".
Hans has the skill of "re-movement"...

Rudy, you also have powerful skills that I taught
you, such as the "Triple Strokes".
I'm sure you have some powerful skills.
As well as seeing how strong your enemies are,
You should also look at the strength of your friends.

You can see the strength of your friends in the
same way as you can see the strength of your enemies by right clicking or pressing X.
Each player unit, such as Rudy or Hans, has a
special ability called a "skill".
These skills can be used to your advantage in
battle.Some of these skills are also possessed by
the enemy.
So stay careful.
In this map, we have
Axeman: "full force".
Archers "Concentration".
spearman "sliding spear".
and other enemy skills.
Stay frosty.

All the golems I've showed up so far...
They have not been very fast.

You and Hans are so fast that you can attack twice
while the enemy attacks once.

On the battlefield, "Speed is Strength."
Remember that.

[Novità] Ehi tu! Dico a te che stai imparando una lingua!

Condividi questa domanda
Could you correct this?

I'm sure you noticed when Hans moves.
Hans is an archer who can "move again".
Normally,if you would be able to move 4 steps,
You attack an enemy 3 steps up ahead,
you can't move the ramaning one step.
That's the end of your turn.

But you have someone capable of moving 4 steps,
he(she) move 3 steps to move 
and attack...
He(she) can move the remaining one step.

Hans is capable of moving out of the way of a blow.
He can move closer to the enemy, attack, and then 
move away again to escape.

■Move again

Basically a skill for cavalrymen.
But some of the lighter solidier, such as Hans, can 
also do it.

The cavalry can move up to 7 steps, after moving 5 
steps and attacking, they can use the remaining 2 
squares to move again.

Such abilities are called "skills".
Hans has the skill of "re-movement"...

Rudy, you also have powerful skills that I taught 
you, such as the "Triple Strokes".
I'm sure you have some powerful skills.
As well as seeing how strong your enemies are,
You should also look at the strength of your friends.

You can see the strength of your friends in the 
same way as you can see the strength of your enemies by right clicking or pressing X.
Each player unit, such as Rudy or Hans, has a 
special ability called a "skill".
These skills can be used to your advantage in 
battle.Some of these skills are also possessed by 
the enemy.
So stay careful.
In this map, we have
Axeman: "full force".
Archers "Concentration".
spearman "sliding spear".
and other enemy skills.
Stay frosty.

All the golems I've showed up so far...
They have not been very fast.

You and Hans are so fast that you can attack twice 
while the enemy attacks once.

On the battlefield, "Speed is Strength."
Remember that.
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