Risultati della ricerca per Aiming

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Traduzione da Inglese (Stati Uniti)
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Che cosa significa Aiming ?

Comes from shooting. I have to see my target, and align the barrel of the gun through the sights in order for the bullet to hit its target. I have to aim the gun at the target. You have to align...
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Che cosa significa aiming a revolver?

to point a gun
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Which is the correct way: "I'm aiming to" or "I'm aiming at"

@_paula both can be correct. It depends on what you're saying. I'm aiming at is specific like, "I'm aiming my gun at the thief." I'm aiming to is more like when you are talking about a goal. "I'm a...
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Qual è la differenza tra aimed at e aiming at ?

Example. Aiming a telescope at an object. If I did that in the past, I aimed at. If I am doing it right now, I'm aiming at.
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Che cosa significa not aiming for the middle ground?

Usually it would be "don't aim for the middle" which is a modified version of "aim higher." This means "be more ambitious" or "pursue a harder target/goal"
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Qual è la differenza tra I'm aiming for passing the exam. e I'm aiming to pass the exam. ?

@Yuho_T There’s little to no difference, the second sentence is more natural.
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What score are you aiming to get?
What are you aiming for?

which one is correct?

Both sentences are correct, but they have slightly different structures and nuances: 1. "What score are you aiming to get?" - This asks about a specific score, often related to a test or assessmen...
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Mostrami delle frasi esempio con "aim for"/"aiming for".

Aim for the sky. Aim for the stars. Aim for the top. Aim for the moon. Aim for the target. I’m ai...
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Qual è la differenza tra aiming e target ?

You aim at a target. Aiming is an action, a target is something you aim at or focus on.
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which one is the correct?
Someone is aiming the gun at me
Someone is aiming at me with a gun

I think the first one
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