Risultati della ricerca per Depressed

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Traduzione da Inglese (Stati Uniti)
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Qual è la differenza tra Depressed e Depressive ?

Depressed - deprimido (verbo) -Eu ESTOU deprimido. Depressive - depressivo (adjetivo) - Isso É de...
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Qual è la differenza tra being depressed e depressed e Being depressed by the failure in the exam, he was in no mood to contact his friends. e Depressed by the failure in the exam, he was in no mood to contact his friends. ?

They basically mean the same, if there is any subtle difference it is that 'being depressed' expresses that the failure made him this way, 'changed his being,' while 'depressed' just sounds like an...
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Per favore dimmi come si pronuncia Depressed .

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Qual è la differenza tra BE depressed e GET depressed ?

To get depressed is the transition from being happy to being depressed. To be depressed is all the time that you spend depressed.
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Che cosa significa depressed ?

A low feeling. A feeling of gloom. Depression is a state of mind. Some people can slip into a very severe depression. After pregnancy if the mother gets it is is called postpartum depression.
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Che cosa significa depressed?

In this case, it means that it is pressed down and kept down, like if you kept your finger on a button.
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Qual è la differenza tra be depressed at e be depressed about ?

You wouldn't say ''be depressed at''. ''He is depressed about his grades in school''. ''You have nothing to be depressed about''.
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Qual è la differenza tra I'm depressed. e l feel depressed. ?

"I'm depressed" is like very definite and saying that you are actually depressed. Saying "I feel depressed" is more mild and like a way of saying you just feel really sad. So "I'm depressed" is mo...
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Qual è la differenza tra depressed e depression e depressing e depress ?

depress- Verb ("Base" form) depressed- Denotes a state Mary is depressed. depressing- "continuous" tense and indicates that someone is currently being depressed This result is so depressing. depre...
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Qual è la differenza tra I’m depressed with e I’m depressed for ?

"I'm depressed with ..." sounds like you will give a medical diagnosis. "I'm depressed with Bipolar Depression" "I'm depressed for ..." is for sympathy. "I'm depressed for them, aftering finding o...
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